
GGX Gold testing new Acoustic EM tech on geophysical anomaly

Posted on 4 Jul 2019

GGX Gold Corp announces that it is planning to drill a high priority geophysical target at its Gold Drop property in the Greenwood Mining Camp.

The proprietary Stargate II (SG II) Drill Target Modelling System incorporates Acoustic EM analysis, technology that was developed by Earth Science Services Corporation of Oshawa, Ontario (ESSCO). SG II employs an enhanced, deep-penetrating ultra-sonic AMT (Audio-Magnetotellurics) geophysical survey.

The system is in developmental/pre-commercial stage and as such the effectiveness of this technique is not fully known to GGX.

Stargate II surveys were performed by ESSCO over the Republic Graben trend in Washington and BC in 2014/2015 at 1 km and 500 m line spacings. A resultant geophysical anomaly on the Gold Drop property in the Greenwood Mining Camp was supplied by Glenn Galata of ESSCO.

The anomaly measures 1,834 by 1,377 m, is centered at the intersection of three interpreted major fault conduit structural traces and is located along strike and to the north of the COD vein trend. Testing the target will require drilling to a depth of at least 400 and up to 764 m – the deepest ever to be drilled on the Gold Drop property.