
Bulk mined materials handling major FAM opens new office in India

Posted on 31 Jul 2019

Germany’s FAM, the global supplier of bulk materials handling solutions for mining including bucketwheel excavators, stackers, reclaimers, spreaders, leachpad systems and in-pit crushing & conveying installations says its remains on an expansion course and has recently increased its capacity by opening a new office in India, the seventh largest country in the world in terms of surface area.

The newly established subsidiary operating under the name of FAM Materials Handling Systems India Pvt Ltd it says “brings exciting challenges, new cultural features and a great potential for the project and service business. With this step, the FAM Group not only ensures close proximity to the customers of the numerous projects already implemented in South Asia, but also gains better access to new markets.”

In addition, the establishment of the FAM office in India “facilitates the rise of the global prominence of the traditional German mechanical engineering company from Magdeburg and gives the entire FAM Group a boost in development through further internationalisation and globalisation.”