
NORCAT collaborates with Normet to expand simulation training services

Posted on 8 Nov 2019

NORCAT, a global leader in the development and provision of skilled labour training and development services, has announced a strategic partnership with Normet to offer shotcrete simulation training as part of NORCAT’s world-class Simulation Training Centre located in Sudbury, Ontario.

Launched in 2014, NORCAT’s Simulation Training Centre has provided state-of-the-art equipment simulation training as part of a broader integrated training platform for equipment and machinery operators across the mining, forestry, and construction sectors.

Through this partnership with Normet, NORCAT adds a shotcrete spraying simulation training program that enables operators to gain practice in concrete spraying and scaling machines, control and measurement systems, concrete spraying and scaling process planning, working methods, and troubleshooting. With this program addition, NORCAT remains one of the largest mining equipment simulation training centres in the world.

“The partnership with Normet demonstrates our on-going commitment to listen to our clients, understand their needs, and develop the right training programs and services to ensure workers have the skills, competencies, and confidence to do their job both safely and productively,” says Tom White, NORCAT’s Simulation Manager. “We are excited to expand our simulation training services and work with Normet to continue to engage and educate our future skilled labour workers for in-demand jobs across Canada.”

“Partnering with NORCAT to deliver Normet operator training is a natural fit which will increase accessibility to high quality instruction,” says Robert Renaud, Normet Canada Sales Manager. “This relationship will allow our clients to get expanded, in-depth experiential training needed to become efficient, productive and safe operators of Normet equipment.”

NORCAT will debut the new Normet shotcrete spraying simulator from November 18 to 20 at the NORCAT Centre in Sudbury, Ontario with an open house and live demonstration for interested mining industry clients.