
EMW wins contract mining gig at Colluli sulphate of potash project

Posted on 19 Dec 2019

Earth Moving Worldwide (EMW) has been confirmed by the Colluli Mining Share Company (CMSC) as its preferred mining contractor at the Colluli sulphate of potash project, in Eritrea.

Danakali, which owns 50% of Colluli alongside the Eritrean National Mining Corp, said EMW has extensive global experience in mining services and will provide the project with strong commercial and technical outcomes.

The agreement covers the pre-production period (development) plus the first five years of production at Colluli, with the scope including the provision, operation and maintenance of excavation, haulage and dewatering equipment.

Colluli has a JORC-2012 compliant measured, indicated and inferred resource of 1,289 Mt at 11% K20 equivalent and 7% kieserite.

Danakali said a competitive tendering process was conducted with technical support from AMC Consultants and Majesso Consulting, and execution of the mining services contract was expected early in 2020, with production due to commence in 2022.

Chief Executive Officer of Danakali, Niels Wage, said: “The confirmation of EMW is another major step for Danakali and Colluli. We are pleased to be working with a company as experienced as EMW who share our commitment to the wellbeing of people and the environment surrounding Colluli.”

Member of the Board of Directors of EMW, Yves Aertssen, said: “EMW is delighted to be selected by Danakali to be part of Colluli. Our shared culture and values were clearly evidenced during the tender process. We are excited to build on this shared vision and work closely with Danakali and all stakeholders in the project to justify the confidence shown in EMW.”

EMW is a private earth moving, mining, processing, coastal protection and reclamation services company with over 140 years’ of global experience in earth moving and haulage activities.