Two new BELAZ 7530 220 t class trucks were last year commissioned by Russian iron ore mining operation Mikhailovsky GOK as part of an investment program by owner Metalloinvest. Since January 2019 the two dump trucks have been operating at Mikhailovsky and have already seen good results in the challenging iron ore mining conditions. Considering the requirements of this equipment new access areas were prepared, roads extended/widened and a new maintenance site provided.
Despite its overall dimensions and power capacity, the modern high capacity equipment is very easy to operate, says BELAZ. Moreover, the operator’s seat is equipped in accordance with all the latest requirements for work safety as well as a cab heating and air conditioning system fitted.
“The body volume along with the payload capacity of the new vehicles is significantly higher if compared with BELAZ dump trucks of 180 t payload capacity. If the working performance of the dump trucks with lower payload capacity made up about 4,000 t, the new vehicles according to schedule are going to reach more than 5,000 t per working shift. The cargo transfer volumes will increase respectively,” Mr Rogozhkin, Head of Automotive Department of Mikhailovsky GOK stated. “I was entrusted to operate this real giant. The vehicle is comfortable with lots of electronic appliances, four video-viewing cameras and LED lighting in the cab. All this will encourage ensuring productive and safe work,” Mr Rakovski, a driver at Mikhailovsky GOK noted.