Galena Mining picks up idled Higginsville gold project pastefill plant for Abra project

Galena Mining says it has acquired the Higginsville Gold Operations Pastefill Plant (HPP) from current owner Westgold Resources Ltd for a consideration of 11.6 million Galena shares (~A$2.25 million). The HPP will be contributed by Galena to Abra Mining Pty Limited (AMPL), the joint-venture company for the Abra Base Metals Project of which Galena holds 86.16%.

It will then be refurbished,and reinstalled at the Abra project to provide the paste backfill cement required for Abra’s underground mining operation. Galena Mining Managing Director, Alex Molyneux commented: “The refurbished and reinstalled HPP is much cheaper than alternatives but its also a technically robust solution to Abra’s paste fill requirements. I’m pleased the opportunity presented itself to complete its acquisition.”

The HPP was designed and built by GR Engineering Services Ltd (GRES, the awarded engineering, procurement and construction contractor for Abra’s process plant) in 2008 as part of its contract to supply the 1 Mt/y Higginsville Treatment Plant, which was originally operated by Avoca Resources Ltd. Its technical specifications exceed the requirements of Abra’s bankable/definitive feasibility study. Currently on care and maintenance, the HPP is considered to have been well maintained and had a reliable operating history.