
MACA to become contract miner at Atlas Iron’s Corunna Downs mine

Posted on 2 Jul 2020

MACA is to carry out open-pit mining at the Corunna Downs iron ore project in the Pilbara of Western Australia following a contract award from owner Atlas Iron.

The contract follows an agreement between the two to upgrade an existing public road and develop an access road at Corunna Downs, announced earlier this year.

The project, some 33 km south of Marble Bar in the Pilbara, will see Atlas develop five open pits using conventional drill and blast, and load and haul methods. Some 23.3 Mt of iron ore will be mined above the water table over an approximate timeframe of six years, according to a filing with the Environmental Protection Authority.

MACA will carry out the drilling and blasting, and loading and hauling as part of the new pact, which is expected to generate around A$230 million ($159 million) in revenue for MACA over the 62-month term.

MACA says it has a long-standing working relationship with Atlas having previously provided services at the Pardoo, Mt Dove, Abydos and Wodgina iron ore operations. It is also currently providing crushing services for Atlas at its Mount Webber iron ore mine on top of the civil works at Corunna Downs.

The contractor’s total work in hand position now stands at A$2.2 billion, it said.

MACA CEO, Mike Sutton, said: “We are pleased to have been selected as the contract miner for Atlas building on our workload in the iron ore sector with an existing client. We look forward to being part of the successful development of this project.”