
GWR’s Wiluna West iron ore project heads for production with PRG contract

Posted on 9 Sep 2020

GWR Group says it has reached agreement on key terms for a works contract with the Pilbara Resource Group Pty Ltd (PRG) to undertake the development of Stage 1 of the C4 iron deposit, part of the Wiluna West iron ore project, in Western Australia.

As part of this agreement, PRG will carry out agreed works for development, mining and transport of Stage 1 of the C4 deposit, including construction of the haul road, open pit and other required facilities and infrastructure, surveying, mining, crushing, screening and transport to port based on a schedule of rates to be agreed. PRG will be entitled to a 30% share of the profit from Stage 1 of the C4 iron deposit.

GWR, meanwhile, will undertake mine design, planning and optimisation for Stage 1 of the C4 iron deposit.

GWR Chairman, Gary Lyons, said the execution of a term sheet for development of the deposit was very significant for GWR shareholders and, together with the recently announced mining approvals, represents a major milestone for the company, “paving the way for the commencement of commercial iron ore production at the Wiluna West iron ore project”.

He added: “The Wiluna West iron ore project, an exceptional direct shipping ore (DSO) iron ore development project, will produce a high grade, low impurity iron ore.”

Scott Dryland, Managing Director of the PRG, said: “This project has added to a record year for PRG. Our business has gone from strength to strength and we are extremely happy to have the opportunity to deliver this project in partnership with GWR.”

The C4 iron deposit is 1.4 km long and contains a combined DSO hematite, JORC 2004 mineral resource estimate of 21.6 Mt at 60.7% Fe, comprising 18.5 Mt at 61.2% Fe indicated and 3.1 Mt at 58% Fe inferred. It has widths of DSO hematite mineralisation of up to 120 m with close spaced RC drilling having previously been undertaken on a 25 m by 10 m spacing over a strike length of 200 m, according to GWR.

The C4 Stage 1 project targets a 500 m strike length of outcropping high-grade DSO hematite mineralisation within the larger C4 deposit, with GWR having undertaken internal mine designs and scheduling.

GWR says it has been engaging with the Port of Geraldton and current users for port and shed access and continues to investigate other opportunities. Discussions are ongoing and well advanced with a nearby established mine in the Wiluna area for access to site services such as village, workshops and water, it added.

In line with the term sheet, GWR and PRG will negotiate a formal contract documentation including a works contract as soon as possible.