
Rajant’s Falcon to bridge Kinetic Mesh network with LTE/5G

Posted on 15 Sep 2020

Rajant Corporation, the exclusive provider of Kinetic Mesh® wireless networks, has developed a new, high-performance, expandable BreadCrumb® platform, the Falcon.

Rajant’s latest platform offers multiple MIMO radios, extremely high throughput, enhanced security performance, and edge computing capabilities for third-party applications and artificial intelligence, the company says. Combined with Rajant’s patented InstaMesh® protocol, the Falcon is capable of bridging Kinetic Mesh wireless networks with other networks such as LTE/5G, it added.

“The Falcon is part of Rajant’s initiative to develop deeply integrated solutions that securely combine data from connected people, vehicles, machines, and sensors, with machine learning,” Rajant said. “This data combination unlocks the benefits of process optimisation, digital twins, predictive analytics, condition-based maintenance, augmented reality, and virtual reality while improving worker safety.”

Robert Schena, Rajant’s CEO and Co-founder, said: “Like Rajant’s other platforms and BreadCrumb radio nodes, the Falcon will be interoperable with all our technology to expand market capabilities for industries like rail, shipping ports, military, mining, and heavy construction.

“Being able to do video and/or LiDAR processing at the edge is core to unlocking these new capabilities. Combining edge computing with high speed, exceedingly reliable, and highly flexible connectivity delivers the tools our customers need.”