
ENAMI & CIPTEMIN collaborate to offer test spaces for smaller mining suppliers

Posted on 24 Sep 2020

A fundamental step for the acceleration of innovation in Chile, thus promoting technology transfer to the industry, is one recently carried out by the Integrated Pilot Center for Mining Technologies, CIPTEMIN, together with Chile’s national mining company, ENAMI; with the signing of a strategic collaboration agreement that makes available to mining supplier companies, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and entrepreneurs test spaces on an industrial scale to pilot and validate their developments and innovations.

This agreement will allow CIPTEMIN to utilise ENAMI’s installed capacities, infrastructure and human capital to carry out piloting of mining technologies on an industrial scale. On the other hand, the state company will have the support and experience of the research centre located in Antofagasta to look at potential improvements at the different ENAMI plants. The driver for the move is to develop potential innovative solutions to bridge operational gaps seen between the smaller-scale versus the larger-scale mining industry.

“This collaborative alliance will allow CIPTEMIN to have test spaces for mining-metallurgical processes on an industrial scale, as long as the innovations comply with operational, safety and environmental protocols, increasing the availability of spaces for piloting, and at the same time allowing collaborative work with ENAMI in meeting its challenges,” explained Cynthia Torres, Executive Director of CIPTEMIN. ENAMI, as a strategic collaborator of the Integrated Center for Mining Technologies Piloting, seeks to contribute to improving the competitiveness of companies that develop innovations for mining, thus demonstrating its commitment to the progress and sustainability of small and medium-sized mining in Chile.

In this context, the executive vice president of the ENAMI commented that, “advancing in new and better technological alternatives can make a difference in the development of the sector. Therefore, with this agreement CIPTEMIN will be able to test technologies and innovations for mining at industrial scale focused on processes of hydrometallurgy, leaching, solvent extraction, electrowinning and processing of sulphide minerals, in our facilities. In this way, we seek to continue contributing to the sustainability and promotion of smaller-scale mining, through processes that more efficient and competitive.”

For his part, Gerardo Gallardo, Director of Technological Centers and Institutes of the Technological Capabilities Management – CORFO, commented that “ENAMI’s participation through this agreement is an excellent sign of confidence in the capabilities that a technological center like CIPTEMIN makes available to entrepreneurs and SMEs that provide mining services, to support the development of technological innovation in real conditions, facilitating the commercialisation and adoption of new solutions and products by the industry, thus contributing to the reactivation and generation of new and better jobs.”