
Rio2 designates more key contractors for the Fenix gold project

Posted on 29 Sep 2020

Rio2 Ltd has announced that it has taken another key step towards the development of its Fenix gold project in Chile by selecting the following lead contractors:

  • Process plant/site infrastructure construction contractor – HLC Ingeniería y Construcción
  • Leach pad and civil design contractor – Anddes Asociados SAC
  • Civil earthmoving and construction contractor – STRACON SA

Together with Rio2, the companies have executed an early contractor involvement agreement (ECI Agreement) for early works associated with the process plant/site infrastructure, leach pad and project civil design and construction. Prior to the signing of this ECI Agreement, the parties have been working exclusively over the past few months in close cooperation with Rio2 management to detail all project engineering items related to the construction of the Fenix gold mine. Detailed engineering activities for the construction of the Fenix gold mine are scheduled to be completed in early November in preparation for project financing.

The scope of works for each contractor includes the following:

HLC – design and construction of the primary crushing and stockpile circuit, ADR plant and water facilities, lime dosing and leach pad pumping circuit, workshop, warehousing, onsite offices and dining facilities, onsite power generation and distribution.

ANDDES – engineering design for all civil earthworks, including access roads, water controls, infrastructure platforms, leach pad and ponds, waste dump and stockpiles. ANDDES will also provide site-based supervision of all civil works including quality control and assurance.

STRACON – responsible for all earthmoving and associated activities, all road maintenance and construction, building and infrastructure platforms, pad and pond construction, waste dump and stockpile preparation, water controls, water transport for construction purposes and various support services to HLC and ANDDES as required. These services will be in addition to their role as lead mining contractor as announced in July.