
Bechtel commences PFS review of Lake Disappointment potash project

Posted on 15 Oct 2020

Advanced-stage sulphate of potash (SOP) exploration and development company Reward Minerals Ltd has appointed globally-recognised EPCM company Bechtel to complete a review of its 100%-owned Lake Disappointment Potash Project (LDPP) which is located east of Newman in north-western Western Australia. The LDPP hosts Australia’s largest high-grade drainable SOP brine resource with the highest evaporation rate in the sector.

The project was recently granted environmental approval under the EnvironmentalProtection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 for full production (~400,000 t SOP per annum) which has effect until 31 August 2060. Western Australia State environmental approval was also obtained earlier this year.

Reward completed a detailed, positive PFS for the LDPP just over two years ago. However, as a result of additional work subsequently conducted by the company and other industry-related technical developments, it believes there is significant value to be unlocked by conducting this study. The study will consider leading edge renewable energy solutions, processing flowsheet options and the project’s development schedule as well as alternative logistics solutions. The review will be completed early in 2021.

Reward’s CEO Greg Cochran said: “We are pleased to appoint Bechtel to conduct this study to review and assess some exciting new options for the project. We believe that Bechtel’s global expertise in the field and in project delivery will unlock significant benefits which could substantially improve the project’s returns.”