
HAZEMAG Roll Crusher set for magnesite application in Brazil

Posted on 10 Feb 2021

HAZEMAG has announced the sale of a HAZEMAG Roll Crusher HRC 0810 (565 t/h) for kiln stone production in a magnesite ore application in Brazil. The hydraulic retraction and gap adjustment system will work in tandem with an optical on-belt particle size analyser and allow adjustment of the crusher gap setting to compensate for wear. The crusher will include HAZconnect technology allowing HAZEMAG’s control and software engineering team to access the machine remotely. Combined with its Augmented Reality Service Tools, HAZEMAG says it can now assist clients worldwide even when travelling is not possible.

HAZEMAG cites benefits of its Roll Crusher product line (which includes models from the 105 t/h HRC 0605 up to the largest 6,500 t/h HRC 2030) as including a low specific energy demand and high to very high throughput rate. It has an intelligent design with tramp metal protection, automatic gap setting and simple maintenance, offered with a high variety of crushing tools. It produces a cubic product with minimal fines while offering trouble-free operation with very sticky and moist materials. Maintenance attributes include rotary and slip monitoring of the crushing rolls. monitoring of the bearing and gear, a track roller lifting device. quick exchange of the crushing segments even in the operating position, and adjustable scrapers.

The company states: “The operating principle is based on a continuous generation of pressure between two counter-rotating rolls, so that crushing takes place without interruptions in contrast to the intermittent jaw crushers. During operation, the high rotational energy of the crushing rolls and the drive components reduce the peak loads ideally and uniform power consumption is achieved. If a non-breakable tramp metal enters the machine, it is essential to open the crushing gap to let the tramp material pass. This is achieved by using the so-called floating roll, which is supported in pivoting rocker arms. The rocker arms are supported by the lower housing via hydraulic cylinders. In order to guarantee parallel retraction of the floating roll, the rocker arms are connected with each other over a torsion shaft. The rotational reaction of the floating roll allows an almost frictionless movement and a great escape path. The housing and drive bracket of the HAZEMAG Roll Crusher are very sturdy and thus suitable for heavy-duty applications. They are fitted with easy to exchange wear parts. The design of the housing allows a crushing segment changing below the feed hopper via easy dismountable hoods.”

The drive is assembled on a base frame, which is connected with the roll crusher. The floating roll drive, also supported in pivoting mode, is connected with the floating roll rocker arm by a coupling rod. Thus it is ensured that a constant drive belt tension exists during the retraction movement of the floating roll, and during the adjusting of the gap. The crushing rolls for primary and secondary crushers are made up of a roll body in polygonal design which is equipped with exchangeable crushing segments. As a result of the specific geometry between roll body and crushing segment an optimum tight fit is achieved, thus being able to stand up to the high crushing forces. Depending on the respective task definition, the shape of teeth and their number are selected.

With the standard provided CPU the crushing gap, and thus the product, can be controlled and checked from the switching centre, as well as from the switchgear cabinet on the crusher. To compensate the wear of the crushing tools, the crushing gap can be reduced very easily, just by a push of a button.