
Golder appointed as prime contractor to oversee the closure of De Beers’ Victor diamond mine in Ontario

Posted on 5 Mar 2021

De Beers Group has appointed Golder as the prime contractor to carry out the closure of the Victor Mine, Ontario’s first and only diamond mine which operated from 2008 through 2019. Following an extensive commercial process, Golder was selected to carry out the remaining closure activities, including demolition of the remaining infrastructure and rehabilitation of the site.

Maxwell Morapeli, Head of Asset Retirement for De Beers Group, states: “Golder has a strong track record of successful closure and rehabilitation of industrial sites around the world, including working with local communities where they operate. We look forward to benefiting from their experience as we continue the responsible closure of Victor mine.”

Golder says it “is committed to offering employment opportunities for nearby Indigenous community members as a part of the day-to-day management of the site, including direct hires of operators and labourers, and contracting indigenous companies for services such as catering, cleaning and security. Golder is working closely with De Beers Group to provide beneficial skills training and business development opportunities that will serve the community beyond the conclusion of closure activities. Former Victor employees, who bring valuable skill sets and knowledge of the site infrastructure and operations, have also been hired to support the closure work.”

“Golder is proud to have been selected to lead the responsible closure of the Victor Mine. Golder’s multi-disciplinary team of construction, environmental and mining specialists will be implementing De Beers’ Closure Plan, having mobilized to site on January 1, 2021 and with planned works into 2023,” says Greg Herasymuik, Golder’s Canadian Region President.

“As we manage activities at site, including decommissioning the open pit, dismantling of surface infrastructure, rehabilitating the site and establishing long-term monitoring, we are committed to providing opportunities so that the local community can continue to be involved at Victor.” Herasymuik added, “We know that mines have a finite life, and we’re proud to have supported De Beers Group throughout the successful life of the Victor Mine, and now into planned closure.”