Water treatement specialist SciDev announces MaxiFlox contract at Eramet SLN nickel mines in New Caledonia plus trial with Fortescue

SciDev (SDV) says it has signed an 18-month supply contract with Eramet-owned Société Le Nickel (SNL) in New Caledonia for MaxiFlox, its range of chemistry products specifically designed for the treatment of wastewater across a range of sectors such as mining. MaxiFlox products are supplied in both liquid and powder form across an extensive range of molecular weights and charge densities. Revenue for SciDev is expected to be between $700,000 and $1 million over the term of the contract, which follows a comprehensive period of evaluation of SciDev’schemistry & OptiFlox technology on site by SLN and the SciDev technical team.

The commercial supply will begin H1 2021 for SLN’s Nepoui and Tiebaghi nickel operations. SciDev progressed through laboratory and field qualifications in 2020. The company’s MaxiFlox chemistry and OptiFlox technologywill be used onsite to improve operational efficiency and water use.

Commenting on the contract, SciDev Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Lewis Utting said: “The agreement with SLNfurther extends the presence of SciDev chemistry and services across major mining projects in Oceania. SciDev’s technology can addreal benefit to our customers processing abilities as well as reducing their environmental footprint. The continued growth of SciDev and our ability to work with and service major mining companies such as SLN highlights the calibre of the SciDev team in executing the technical evaluations through to commercial contracts with our customers.”

In its home Australian market, SciDev has also announced that it will participate in a commercial trial with iron ore major Fortescue Metals Group (FMG), which will be conducted at Fortescue’s Solomon Hub, located in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. “SciDev progressed through a competitive tender process and have been invited to participate in a one-week field qualification trial, representing A$60,000 in revenue. The field qualification will focus on the performance of the MaxiFlox chemistry under plant operating conditions.”

Commenting on the field qualification, Utting said: “The agreement with Fortescue further extends the presence of SciDev chemistry and services across major mining projects in Australia. With water being a premium commodity in the Pilbara, SciDev’s technology can add real benefit to our customers as well as reduce their environmental footprint. The continued growth of SciDev and our ability to work with and service major mining companies such as Fortescue highlights the caliberof the SciDev team in executing the technical and commercial evaluations with our customers.”