
dynaCERT reports increasing orders of large capacity HydraGEN units for mining applications

Posted on 15 Mar 2021

In Q1 2021, dynaCERT says it has shipped or received confirmed orders of its flagship HG-1 HydraGEN™ technology units as well as its sister HydraGEN™ HG2 and HG-4C and HydraGEN™ HG-6C large capacity units to international mining companies operating in Russia, China, Brazil and Peru through sales to its arms-length dealer H2Tek specialising in the sale of HydraGEN™ Technology in the mining industry.

HydraGEN™ is a carbon emissions reduction device for all types and sizes of diesel engines.  “As part of the growing global hydrogen economy, our patented technology creates hydrogen and oxygen on-demand through a unique electrolysis system and supplies these gases through the air intake to enhance combustion, resulting in lower carbon emissions and greater fuel efficiency.”

H2Tek is sponsored internationally by Export Development Corporation, a Crown Corporation of Canada, and dynaCERT’s currently sole Asian dealer, Puma HydroCarbons, which operates in China. “Diamond mines, coal mines, copper mines and gold mines are adopting dynaCERT’s proprietary HydraGEN™ Technology globally. The HydraGEN™ HG-4C and HydraGEN™ HG-6C large capacity units will soon be deployed in open pit mining operations on large 50-litre diesel engines that operate in hostile climates such as open pit mines where temperatures deep lower than -40 degrees Celsius and are located in very remote areas of the planet.”

dynaCERT has also announced that it has been invited by the Government of the Province of Ontario, Canada to participate in the Hydrogen Strategy Working Group of the Ontario Government under the guidance of the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks. The Ontario Government established a new Hydrogen Strategy Working Group to help inform the development of the hydrogen strategy for the Province of Ontario.