
Normet sends new fleet of 25 concrete sprayers and mixers from its Santiago factory to work at Chuqui Underground

Posted on 7 Apr 2021

Normet says it has delivered another large fleet of underground utility equipment, in this case concrete sprayers and mixers, to Codelco’s Chuquicamata Underground copper mining project in Chile from its in country factory in Santiago, which is one of its main production sites globally outside of the home factory in Iisalmi, Finland and the Kingnor site in Daye, Hubei Province, China which is a JV with JCHX. Normet also recently committed to a new location in India.

Despite the pandemic, Normet says its Chilean equipment factory has been able to keep up with deliveries to this project but also to other customers in the region. The new fleet of 25 equipment units that is beginning work at Chuquicamata Underground is made up of 12 Alpha 30VC and Spraymec 8100 VC concrete sprayers and 13 Tornado S2 and Utimec MF 500 concrete mixers, as well as 12 Smart Scan scanners, accompanied by Normet permanent Technical Support and training with virtual reality simulators. The customers are some of the major Chuquicamata contractors – Geovita, Grupo CBB and the Acciona-OSSA-Pizzarotti and OSSA-Pizzarotti consortiums.