
Bridgestone invests big in mining tyres with $94 million spending commitment for flagship Shimonoseki Plant

Posted on 19 Apr 2021

Bridgestone Corporation (Bridgestone) has announced that it will invest JPY10.2 billion (about $94 million) in installing cutting-edge equipment for certain facilities at the Shimonoseki plant, the company’s flagship production base for tyres for mining and construction vehicles. Installation is set to begin in 2022 and be completed by the end of 2025. The company said the new equipment will further enhance the company’s production system in terms of safety, disaster preparedness, eco-friendliness, quality and productivity.

The Bridgestone Group said it is developing its mining tyre and solutions business on a global scale. The installation of cutting-edge equipment at the Shimonoseki Plant will be an important part of strengthening and expanding the mining tyre and solutions business as called for by the Group’s Mid-Term Business Plan. The equipment will be installed together with new infrastructure that will further contribute to the Group’s implementation of its Sustainability Business Framework roadmap, which entails linking its initiatives for recycling resources and contributing to the realisation of a carbon neutral society with its business model.

Specifically, solar power generation equipment will be installed to increase the portion of the Shimonoseki Plant’s electricity generated from renewable energy, reducing CO2 emissions and environmental impacts. In addition, a water purification system will be introduced to convert industrial water used in tyre production into drinkable water in order to reduce the impacts on the surrounding environment through efficient use of water resources. This water purification system, together with the solar power generation equipment, may be used to supply lifelines to the surrounding community in the event of a natural disaster as Bridgestone proactively seeks to achieve harmony with the community.

The Bridgestone Group’s Milestone 2030 medium-term environmental targets include the target of reducing total CO2 emissions by 50% from 2011’s level by 2030 while the long-term environmental target clarifies the Group’s goal of achieving a carbon neutral state by 2050 and beyond. Meanwhile, the Milestone 2030 targets call upon the Group to develop and implement concrete water resource management plans for realising fair and sustainable water use based on the environmental conditions of the regions in which it operates and in accordance with the Bridgestone Water Stewardship Policy. As it works to accomplish these goals, “the Group will also endeavour to decouple the growth of its business from adverse environmental impacts and increased resource consumption.”

Acting in accordance with the Mid-Term Business Plan, the Bridgestone Group will conduct strategic growth investments to strengthen its core businesses and expand growth businesses. “At the same time, the Group will contribute to resource recycling and CO2 emissions reductions across the value chain and implement its Sustainability Business Framework roadmap to foster a business model that is mutually beneficial to society, customers, and the Group. The Bridgestone Group thereby aims to evolve into a sustainable solutions company that continues to deliver social and customer value.”