
MACA to carry out open-pit mining services at Roy Hill iron ore operation

Posted on 14 Dec 2021

MACA Ltd says it has been awarded a mining services contract with Roy Hill Iron Ore Pty Ltd at the Roy Hill iron ore operation in the Pilbara of Western Australia.

The project consists of open-pit mining services, including load and haul and drill and blast, and is expected to generate approximately A$70 million ($50 million) in revenue for MACA over the 12-month term, commencing in early 2022, it said.

MACA says its work in hand position including this contract is currently A$3 billion.

The Roy Hill project is owned by Hancock Prospecting Pty Ltd, Marubeni Corporation, POSCO and China Steel Corporation, and is 115 km north of Newman in Western Australia’s Pilbara region.

MACA CEO, Mike Sutton, said: “MACA is very pleased to be able to continue working with Roy Hill at its world-class iron ore operation, having commenced civil works at the project earlier this year. Our team has a long-standing relationship with Roy Hill, starting with first mining at the Roy Hill project, and MACA is proud to be an ongoing part of this operation.

“This project will be undertaken utilising existing fleet, contributes to MACA’s secured mining work in hand for financial year 2022 and financial year 2023 and further secures our strong position in the Pilbara region.”