All delegates that attended the conference in person should have received a password to access the following papers. For others interested in accessing the presentations, please contact [email protected] for more information
Daniel Perez, Agudio.
Ruben Salinas, David Brown Santasalo
Joseph A Dos Santos, Dos Santos International
Taylor McKertich, Endress+Hauser
Milan Sjaus, FLSmidth
Luc Tellier, FLSmidth
Eric Åström, Hägglunds
Neil Other and Dr. Reik Winkel, indurad
John McCarthy, Komatsu
Dave Goddard and Gervasio Briceño, McKinsey & Company
Dr. Sergei Sabanov, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan
Sergio Zamorano and Chinmoy Roy, Oriental Rubber
Elia Khoury and Neville Kelly, RCR Mining Technologies
Marcus Kleuters, RWE Technology International GmbH
Andreas Kutsch, RWE Technology International GmbH
Christoph Voelkel, Siemens
Bob McCarthy, SRK Consulting
Burhan Osmani-Mittreiter, thyssenkrupp
Christoph Deppe, thyssenkrupp
Paul Emerson, TNT Terra Nova Technologies
Mario Soto Garcia, Weir Minerals
Nicholas Russell, Worley
Jon Rutter, Quantitative Grade Solutions
Martin Lurie, thyssenkrupp Mining Technologies, under license from The University of Newcastle, Australia.