
DRA managing Two Rivers Platinum Merensky Concentrator Plant project set to be commissioned in 2023

Posted on 9 Feb 2022

DRA has delivered some of the most impressive platinum projects in Africa. African Rainbow Minerals Limited (ARM) and Impala Platinum Holdings Limited (Implats) have recognised this experience and recently selected DRA to manage the detailed design and engineering, full procurement cycle related activities, fabrication, manufacturing, delivery, construction and installation activities of the Two Rivers Platinum Mine (TRP) Merensky Concentrator Plant in the Limpopo Province of South Africa. DRA will also manage the commissioning of the TRP Merensky Concentrator Project and associated infrastructure.

The Merensky Concentrator Plant project is a new mine development that comprises underground mining operations with associated waste dumps and ore stockpile, a processing plant, tailings management facilities, and supporting infrastructure including Plant related water supply, power supply, maintenance facilities and offices. DRA has been working with Two Rivers from the initial set up in 2004 and has continued to work with Two Rivers Platinum and the JV partners on various initiatives.

The African Rainbow Minerals (ARM) board of directors in March 2021 approved the Two Rivers Merensky Project which involves mining of the Merensky reef at Two Rivers Mine. Total capital expenditure for the project is expected to be approximately ZAR5.7 billion (100% basis) to be spent over three years. Construction commenced in mid-2021 – Merensky underground mining was planned to commence in the fourth quarter of F2022 (Q1 2022 calendar year), with the plant set to be commissioned in the second quarter of F2024 (Q3 2023 calendar year). Studies indicate that over the life of mine, 52 Mt at an average milled feed grade of 2.9 g per tonne (on a 6E ounce basis) will be mined and processed. Annual steady state production of 182,000 6E PGM ounces, 1,600 t nickel, and 1,300 t of copper is expected once the project is fully ramped up.