
MACA working with AVL, Mitsui & Forsee Power to bring modular, chemistry agnostic & whole of life battery electric haulage to mining

Posted on 9 Mar 2022

Following its groundbreaking progress in applying AI-based automation by retrofit to its mining trucks working with SafeAI on a proof of concept at Capricorn Metals’ Karlawinda gold operation and a subsequent MoU with SafeAI and Position Partners to roll out autonomy across 100 mixed fleet trucks at multiple sites, contractor MACA says it is also looking at a whole of life battery solution for mining vehicles.

This will include maximising the usage of batteries by channelling them during their operational life from high demand utilisation such as in large mining trucks down to the less demanding requirements of other machinery types such as loaders, ADTs and finally small skid steers and other lower energy demand units. MACA also believes its long term diversified industry experience means it has the potential to be the engine of this change.

Shane Clark, MACA GM Estimating and Technical Services: “A whole of life battery solutions means that we get the full economic life out of a battery, beyond its first use in the haul truck. So, after it gets to a state of charge that is no longer applicable to the mining operation, it means we can move those batteries, because they are modular in nature, into other applications.” He adds: “Its important to be able to have the ability to change battery chemistries between sites. The future will see a trade off between energy intensity and charging rate, so some minesites will lean towards a lower charging rate and a more static rate of charge across the fleet, while others will lean towards a high capacity charge with the shortest charging time but also a shorter run time of the equipment.”

Regardless of the client infrastructure, MACA says it is developing an interoperable solution that will allow for significant emissions reduction helping them fulfil their net zero timeframes. Clark adds: “In partnership with AVL Engineering, Mitsui and Forsee Power, we are able to create a modular style of battery, which means that we will be able to change the battery chemistry depending on the infrastructure that is available at our client sites.”

MACA adds that this agnostic approach to battery chemistry as well as being able to utilise a flexible energy mix, potentially including hydrogen/ammonia-based, solar, natural gas and wind power but also other clean power sources, will be crucial to succeeding in the “contractor battery electric vehicle space.” This along with harnesssing the technological progress of autonomy and AI-powered dispatch that will be “essential to unlocking the battery electric vehicle value.”

Adam Struthers, GM Plant at MACA adds: “As part of the transition, we will create multiple pathways for our maintenance teams” while MACA Mining Engineer Ewen Koh adds: “This is an industry first for a contract miner and I’m excited to be part of this sustainable solution.”

For this BEV project, MACA is collaborating with world leaders – namely energy and resources focused Japanese trading major Mitsui & Co Ltd, e-mobility group AVL and innovative battery technologies and battery management systems company Forsee Power on its BEV project. MACA CEO Mike Sutton commented: “It’s important to MACA Ltd to be able to bring industry leaders into our fleet electrification project and create a solution that is sufficient for the demands of our operating environment. In partnership with AVL, Mitsui & Co Ltd and Forsee Power, we’ve been able to create a modular battery solution, which we can tailor to our client’s existing site infrastructure.”

David Greig, MACA Chief Development Officer stated: “The International Council for Mining & Metals are responsible for one third of the world’s resources, used in decarbonisation and sustainable development. They’ve aligned themselves to net zero targets in 2021. In doing so they hope to encourage their suppliers to decarbonise their value chain.” Grieg adds: “The battery electric vehicle project at MACA is our response to the energy transition challenge. Its important that our solution is not only suitable to the ICMM members but also our customers, regardless of the project size, life or commodity.”

Greig concludes: “MACA’s strategic vision of creating sustainable futures has enabled us to build a high quality teams to service the international mining and construction markets. These markets exist to deliver the products and services that mankind will depend on to survive well into the future. A firm belief is by advancing the efficiency of mineral extraction and construction, we will become more sustainable into the future. The successful completion of our proof of concept, applying on-road haulage technology into a productive mining application is a really exciting development for our business. This is the start of a new chapter, and MACA remains focused on putting our knowledge, and the knowedge of our suppliers, into action.”