At Teck Fording River, Komatsu’s 4800XPC AC proves its worth with a three pass ultraclass truck match

Back in November 2019, IM was one of the first to report on the record Komatsu Mining P&H 4800 XPC AC electric rope shovel that began operating at Teck Resources’ Fording River metcoal operation in BC, Canada. With a nominal 122.5 t (135 short tons) payload the 4800XPC AC can three pass load (instead of the status quo four pass load) a 400 short ton (363 t) class truck, which included a new fleet of Komatsu 980Es at Fording River.

The mine had added the new ultraclass haul trucks to its haulage fleet and while the site was successful in moving more material, it needed a way to fill the new 400 short ton trucks at a faster rate. Komatsu says the shovel also provides standout mechanical availability and efficient load cycle times, making it a clear match for Teck’s material movement goals and longterm lifeofmine outlook.

In a case study, Komatsu Mining recently shared some information about how the mine planned to bring the shovel on-board and how it has been peforming in the interim 2.5 years. Before putting the 4800XPC AC to work, Teck and Komatsu personnel conducted an analysis to understand the potential ripple effect that increased production might have across the mine site. Specifically, data was collected and assessed to determine how significant gains in shovel productivity might affect the truck allocation, lifeofmine planning and ongoing maintenance.

A simple model, which factored in no changes to regular site conditions or workflow, was used to evaluate the effects of three versus fourpass loading. Assumptions included asset availability: 91%, propel time: 6%, asset life: 20 years, basic haul cycle: 30 minutes on average, cycle time: 32 seconds, truck exchange time: 30 seconds and operator efficiency: 53 minutes per hour.

During the analysis phase, where operators performed threepass loading, an additional 1,922 short tons were loaded per hour. Thus, eliminating the fourth pass could potentially equate to an additional 11,531,573 short tons of material loaded, per year. All factors remaining constant, the threepass loading scheme would enable the shovel to service nearly five additional trucks per hour at the loading unit and nearly three additional trucks overall during the assumed 30minute haul cycle.

Each electric mining shovel has an anticipated 20+ year lifespan. Extrapolation of the yearly production gains with three- versus fourpass loading nets an additional 230,631,465 short tons loaded over the life of the shovel. The potential loading gains can be equated to mining 25 years’ worth of material in 20 years the aim being to pull the net present value forward which could significantly reduce the mine’s overall cost per ton.

In addition, when integrating the 4800XPC AC into Teck’s existing fleet of 4100XPC AC shovels, maintenance of parts commonality and preservation of the mine’s existing supply chains were important considerations. Commonalities between the two shovel models are, as follows:

  • Major and critical parts: 81%
  • Commissioning parts (drive system): 100%
  • Consumables: 99% (100% if the same hoist rope diameter is utilised

With the 135 short tons of additional payload capacity, and a rightsized ultraclass dipper based on siteprovided geologic information, the 4800XPC AC enabled Teck to achieve its loading goal. Teck personnel report that the overall availability and reliability of the 4800XPC AC have been excellent. Because Teck already had a number of 4100XPC AC shovels in its fleet, the learning curve for the 4800XPC AC was greatly reduced. Machine familiarity and support from Komatsu Engineering and local field representatives led to standout mechanical availability.

Komatsu adds: “With the 4800XPC AC making threepass loading of ultraclass trucks a reality, the cost to move material in a truck/shovel operation has never been lower. By enabling Teck to move their material faster, more efficiently, and in the same safe manner they are accustomed to, the 4800XPC AC will help the mine expand its plans for economic advancement.”

Direct comments from Teck include: “The P&H 4800 shovel is an impressive unit. It’s highly productive and its availability has been fantastic since it’s been here…this shovel has honestly been the easiest transition for new technology that I’ve seen come into a large mining application…threepass loading ultraclass trucks, in the Komatsu 980Es we’ve got here, has been a great benefit for us.”