
Chatham Rock Phosphate books Golding for mining services

Posted on 16 Nov 2022

Chatham Rock Phosphate Limited (CRP) has announced that it has taken another step forward in bringing its Korella North rock phosphate mine into operation. CRP has contracted with leading Australian civil and mining contracting firm NRW Holdings Ltd for its wholly owned subsidiary Golding Contractors to provide mining services for the development of the Korella North Mine.

CRP, through its Australian company Korella Fertilizers, has since earlier this year been discussing with Golding the provision of mining and exploration services in the development of its Korella North, Korella Central and Korella South phosphate projects located adjacent to Phosphate Hill, in North-West Queensland.

Under the agreement Golding will provide mining services to facilitate the granting of a mining lease at Korella North (EMP 28589) and statutory services in the exploration of Korella South (EMP28187).

The Chatham Rock Phosphate Limited mining services agreement adds to several contract wins announced by Golding over the past year including a five-year contract extension at the Phosphate Hill Mine, Queensland, Australia, to extend the Golding operations out to September 2026; a contract extension at the Curragh Coal Mine in central Queensland, Australia, out to December 2026; a five & half year contract extension at the Baralaba North Mine central Queensland, Australia; and a A$52 million rail civil construction package and a A$15 million bulk earthworks, drainage and roadworks package for the Olive Downs Mine in the Bowen Basin, Queensland, Australia.

Korella Fertilizers is a Cloncurry, NW Queensland based operation for international phosphate company Chatham Rock Phosphate Ltd. With its Korella phosphate sourced south of Cloncurry at Phosphate Hill, Korella Fertilizers is establishing a distribution hub and a MCP manufacturing plant in Cloncurry to service its rural customer base, especially those in northern Australia. In parallel the company is working on plans for a 2 Mt/y bulk phosphate rail loading facility at Korella North, Phosphate Hill and a 5Mtpa ship-loader in the Port of Townsville.