
Anglo American launches first hydrogen-powered bus in Chile

Posted on 19 Oct 2023

Anglo American says it has successfully launched its first hydrogen-powered bus for operational service in Chile, in partnership with Andes Motor, Foton, Copec, and Linde. It states: “The collaborative effort with Buses Hualpén marks a significant milestone in our commitment to sustainable transportation solutions within the region.”

The bus uses a cutting-edge 120kW SinoHytec G120 hydrogen fuel cell, showcasing the miner’s dedication to innovative technologies. Able to fit 47 passengers, it can cover distances of up to 400 km when its hydrogen tanks and batteries are fully charged. It also has advanced safety features, including lane departure warning (LDWS), advanced emergency braking (AEBS), and stability control (ESC).

The statement added: “The operation of this groundbreaking bus emphasizes our commitment to providing state-of-the-art equipment to connect people across various industries in Chile. This dedication reflects our promise to both our clients and the country. It will also help promote the energy transition, with a specific aim to achieve carbon neutrality in medium and long-distance transportation, underscoring our corporate values.”

Vice President of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability, Juan Pablo Schaeffer, commented: “Our team of experts will participate in the field tests, and although this bus will initially operate with conventional hydrogen, we hope that in the future, this type of vehicle will run on green hydrogen on the streets of our country, particularly in public transport.”