
Gekko highlights ILR and Carbon Scout successes plus gravity box potential

Posted on 14 Jun 2024

In its latest newsletter update, Gekko has provided updates on some of its key technologies. It says its InLine Leach Reactor (ILR) has achieved notable success at Barrick Gold Corporation’s Bulyanhulu Gold Mine in Tanzania, achieving exceptional recovery rates of 99%+.

Before acquiring the ILR, the Bulyanhulu metallurgical staff realised that they were not treating a large fine gold component. This led them to Gekko’s ILR which can handle all the size ranges from very fine to very coarse. After starting up the ILR, they were achieving 99%+ recovery treating all the gold, including the fine component that was previously removed in the desliming step.

Gekko says the ILR’s efficient design and mineral leaching chemistry have led to high gold recovery rates, offering a significant boost to production efficiency. “With its ability to be easily retrofitted into existing gravity circuits, the ILR presents a promising opportunity for enhanced production and profitability in the gold mining industry, especially amidst the backdrop of strong gold prices. The success of the ILR at Bulyanhulu highlights the importance of continuous improvement in the mining industry.

The Gekko Carbon Scout, which Gekko describes as a ground-breaking innovation in real-time gold processing technology, it adds is experiencing increased interest, highlighted by recent purchases from Ravenswood Gold and Oceana Gold (Macreas operation). The Carbon Scout is a self-contained sampling system that revolutionises gold processing by providing real-time measurements of crucial parameters such as pH, dissolved oxygen, and gold concentration in carbon-in-leach (CIL) and carbon-in-pulp (CIP) circuits.

“A standout feature of the Carbon Scout is its ability to accurately measure carbon density within the pulp, with an impressive precision of ±0.5 grams per litre. This data enables operators to automate carbon movement, optimising distribution and enhancing gold recovery processes. The device’s adoption by major players underscores the importance of real-time data analysis and quick decision making to ensure sites are not losing any gold to the tailings dam. Contact Gekko and start prioritising circuit optimisation with the Carbon Scout.”

Finally by leveraging separation techniques and implementing pre-concentration measures to reduce initial mass, Gekko says its streamlined gravity-based processes not only boost the grade for downstream intensive processing but also maximise the recovery of precious minerals like gold.

“Recovering minerals as they liberate or removing gangue as it liberates is a key strategy in increasing recovery, increasing pre-concentration and reducing energy consumption in mills. Traditionally, grinding ore to fine particles has been considered essential for optimal recovery rates. However, Gekko’s game-changing continuous gravity recovery device – the continuous InLine Pressure Jig (IPJ) has changed this thinking. The IPJ efficiently separates coarse mineral-bearing particles and gangue from the feed material without the need for extensive grinding, consistently delivering exceptional recovery rates.”

Gekko adds: “Determining the mineralogy of an ore material is critical for optimising the operation of a gravity circuit. Whether the mineral is free or occluded with other sulphides, or whether multiple liberating particle sizes exist, will help determine the optimal gravity flowsheet design for the best recovery of mineral. Gekko’s Gravity Box installations have achieved success globally, showcasing the versatility and efficacy of this gravity-based solutions. Both continuous gravity and batch gravity ‘gravity box’ designs are available.”