GeoMoby communication system boosts Gordon Sirdar mine’s safety, efficiency processes

GeoMoby says its real-time, location-based communication system is keeping workers safe and improving operational efficiencies at FMR Investments Pty Ltd’s Gordon Sirdar underground gold mine, near Coolgardie, Western Australia.

GeoMoby technology for underground mining communications is regarded as the most reliable in the world right now – in the underground mining sector – and uses Bluetooth Long Range, the company says. On top of this, the cost of installing GeoMoby technology is likely to be much less than traditional communications equipment.

Gordon Sirdar was used as the location of the 2023 Underground Emergency Rescue Competition (UMERC, held by the Chamber of Minerals and Energy). Last November, for the competition, GeoMoby deployed its underground solution, which included 35 nodes, dubbed ‘green lunchboxes’ across seven levels of the underground mine, over a timeframe equivalent of 10 hours.

During the competition – competitors in the 14 teams – were given GeoMoby smart watches, tags and linked to a Dräger gas detection device. It was the first time that GeoMoby had been officially invited to be part of UMERC. Its platform seamlessly integrated with key IoT sensors including an environmental monitoringsystem, portable gas sensors and an extensometer, the company said.

“That trial use was extremely successful and team mates and judges could view underground participants, on screens in the control room, in real time,” Chris Baudia, CEO and Founder of GeoMoby, said. “People said it was a ‘game changer’. Our technology can continuously monitor
individual miners’ locations and their heartbeats. During UMERC last year, we watched participants live and viewed the captains’ heartbeats. After the success of that event, we left the infrastructure at Gordon Sirdar.

Mathieu Paul, Director of GeoMoby, said: “Now our technology has been successfully operated by an underground gold mine, over a 10-month period. It is a hugely positive development for our company and we expect it to be one of many such installations, in the Goldfields. We have now also completed a feasibility study and have worked with FMR on how to improve operational efficiencies of truck cycles; track both light and heavy mine vehicles; and, of course, people.

“In addition, we are collecting information on grades of rocks, waste and tonnage in real time. This information is automatically collected by GeoMoby, thus saving time as it eliminates the need to manually input data into spreadsheets, for example. The data is also more accurate.”

John Farr, Manager of the Gordon Sirdar mine, added: “Never before have we had this kind of visibility for our underground operations, it is a massive improvement in safety and efficiency. GeoMoby has delivered what they promised. The technology has improved our mine’s
operational efficiency substantially as well as the safety of our team. For the first time, we can locate their positions, in the event of an emergency, immediately. We recommend all underground operations review GeoMoby technology, as our experience has been extremely