
Immersive Technologies on training for autonomy for first major AHS fleet in US

Posted on 26 Nov 2024

As the first major mine in the US transitions to an autonomous haulage system, it is crucial that operators and other personnel become proficient in interacting with the autonomous haulage environment. To develop and train the workforce, the mine has invested in simulators and digital learning systems from Immersive Technologies as part of their change management strategy.

Nearly all of the world’s major autonomous mines have implemented Immersive Technologies’ proven AHS training solution, with this operation becoming the 32nd globally to benefit from the blended learning solution. Tailored to meet the individual needs of the mine, the package includes onsite services to help manage the training technology implementation.

The training solution enhances proficiency for a range of equipment, in this case Caterpillar autonomous trucks, P&H 4100 shovels, Caterpillar D11T dozers, and light vehicles equipped with Cat® MineStar™ Command for Hauling systems.

Immersive Technologies did not name the operation directly, but IM has previously discussed the first major mine in the US to implement an autonomous truck fleet as being Freeport McMoRan’s Bagdad copper operation in Arizona. Bagdad is converting its fleet of 33 Caterpillar 793 trucks to autonomous operation.

The complexity of roles for loading and auxiliary equipment operators has increased with the introduction of autonomous haulage systems. Effective change management is vital for aligning personnel with AHS implementation, and training plays a big role in getting all people working together smoothly with new systems. Immersive Technologies’ simulators consistently measure, assess, and optimise skills, reducing the time to achieve ‘permit to work.’ As mines adopt AHS systems, efficiently processing large number of ‘permit to work’ certifications has been a notable industry challenge.

Investing in Immersive Technologies’ training solutions targets knowledge proficiency, safety, and productivity. Transitioning from manned to autonomous haulage trucks requires new skills for existing roles and new roles to manage the autonomous area and fleet.

Immersive states: “With simulation-based autonomous training solutions deployed at 32 autonomous haulage sites worldwide, Immersive Technologies have the expertise to address key training needs. Immersive Technologies will support the mine at every step of the implementation, using blended learning systems, simulation, and human performance analytics to mitigate implementation risks.”