
Codelco sets specific goal to reduce Scope 3 emissions and advances value chain decarbonisation

Posted on 28 Jan 2025

On its path towards more sustainable mining, Codelco has defined a significant goal: to reduce the intensity of its Scope 3 emissions by 25% by 2030, considering strategic operational inputs. This scope considers indirect emissions from its value chain (suppliers) and adds to the Corporation’s previous commitments to reduce its total carbon footprint by 70% by 2030.

“Climate change requires concrete actions and Codelco is taking a step forward by including not only our direct operations, but also our value chain in this commitment. We want to be protagonists of the transformation of the mining industry, in line with our purpose of being a pillar of the sustainable development of Chile and the world,” highlights Gabriel Méndez, Vice President of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability.

Scope 3 represents more than 60% of Codelco’s emissions and covers indirect emissions generated before the inputs reach the mining operation, such as in the transportation of materials and supplier services; as well as those resulting after the products – for example, cathodes – are sold and processed by the end customer. For this reason, meeting this challenge requires a comprehensive approach, given that it involves actors and processes external to the direct operation of the state company.

The commitment is associated with ‘intensity,’ which is calculated by dividing total emissions by tons of fine copper, a formula that allows adequate monitoring of the goal in the event of business fluctuations, such as greater or lesser production in a certain period.

To achieve this ambitious goal, Codelco outlined a strategy based on precise measurement and strategic collaboration with its suppliers. This includes the implementation of tools aligned with global standards, such as the GHG Protocol, and the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) categories, that are traceable and allow emissions to be quantified throughout the entire value chain, relying on automated monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) systems.

In this matter, a concrete advance was the development of the first emissions calculator designed specifically for mining suppliers, for public use and free of charge, which was released in December 2022 after joint work between Codelco and Alta Ley, with the support from the Association of Industrial Mining Suppliers (Aprimin) and the National Mining Society (Sonami). Likewise, the calculator was implemented during 2024 in Huella Chile, the official emissions measurement program of the Ministry of the Environment.

The Corporation’s strategy also involves a constant link with key suppliers to reduce the carbon footprint from critical inputs such as explosives, refractories and lubricants, while promoting joint innovation with clients to promote low-emission operations.

A demonstration of this focus is the agreement reached between Codelco and Enaex for the use of explosives with blue ammonium nitrate in the Radomiro Tomic Division (DRT), with a 40% lower carbon footprint in its manufacturing compared to traditional formulas. This pioneering milestone for the industry made DRT the first mining site in the world to use the product.

Another notable aspect of the plan is electromobility in operations, with the transition to electric fleets in the transportation of workers, which seeks to reach 40% by 2030 and 100% by 2040. Along these lines, 2024 was a key year: The Salvador Division converted 100% of its fleet to electric buses and Radomiro Tomic incorporated 65 of these devices. Currently, adding those of Chuquicamata, Andina and El Teniente, the Corporation has a total of 250 electric buses in operation.

Likewise, for the maritime transport category, a strategic objective was established – without a specific emissions reduction value – with measures such as continuing technological surveillance of the development of vessels that use alternative fuels, added to the review of the logistics model and commercial strategy. in search of options that imply a lower carbon footprint.

“At Codelco we are committed to promoting change towards more sustainable mining. We have been part of the development of capabilities in the industry and now we take a decisive step to collaborate beyond our operations, integrating suppliers, customers and our entire value chain in the global challenge of decarbonisation,” comments Pablo Contreras, Corporate Manager of Climate Action.