
Projects on Hold

Posted on 6 Nov 2008

Latest issue of International Mining Project News available (November 7): This issue sees the introduction of a new section, Projects On Hold, a section that, sadly, epitomises the current financial climate for mining companies, especially juniors. However, the more major Russia Copper Co (RCC) is one of the companies having to postpone projects. Its Miheevsky porphyry copper project located in Russia has been suspended due to financing. RCC says that the project will be re-started when external project funding is available again.

There is some positive news however. Syndicated Metals has announced its maiden resource for the Barbara deposit within the Mount Remarkable project in northwest Queensland. It has a combined mineral resource (Indicated and Inferred) of 2.4 Mt at 1.6% Cu containing 38,000 t of copper at 0.5% Cu cutoff. This resource also has potential for gold credits and expansion of the resource along strike and at depth.

Another company with an update on its activities is Sundance Resources, which has increased its Inferred mineral resource at the Mbarga deposit in Cameroon by 25% to 2,200 Mt at 40% Fe. This means that Sundance has achieved its overall itabirite Exploration Target of 2,000 to 2,500 Mt over exploration permit 92, solely from the Mbarga deposit.

Bauxite Resources has been able to progress with an offtake agreement in this financially uncertain period. It has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Chinese alumina producer, Shanxi Wusheng Aluminium, with the aim of finalising an agreement within three months to supply quality bulk bauxite DSO to China within a year of the agreement being signed.

There is more news on the North West Iron Ore Alliance (NWIOA) proposed port and stockyard facilities in Port Hedland. The alliance has appointed Sandwell to conduct an independent scoping study and channel and berth capacity simulation for the port. The two berths reserved at Port Hedland for both Alliance members and other junior producers (subject to certain conditions precedent), would have the capacity for up to 50 Mt/y of iron ore exports.

There is also news of Albidon’s Chirundu uranium deposit in Zambia, Handini Resources’ potential coal-fired power plant in Indonesia, Gindalbie Metals’ Karara iron ore project in Australia, Atlas Iron’s Pardoo project in Australia and many others.

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