
Queensland decision to recommence uranium mining

Posted on 23 Oct 2012

uran.jpgLaramide Resources and others have commented on Queensland’s decision to overturn of the decades-long ban on uranium mining. Queensland Premier Campbell Newman and the Minister for Natural Resources and Mines, the Honorable Andrew Cripps, announced in a joint statement on October 22 that the State Government will convene a three-member implementation committee to oversee the recommencement of uranium mining in Queensland. Premier Newman said the decision followed sustained public debate on uranium mining in Queensland, in addition to the strong support for the uranium industry from the Federal Australian Labour Party Government. Laramide said “the government decision is a very positive development for Laramide and the company’s flagship Westmoreland project, situated in northwest Queensland, one of three known deposits in the State. John Borshoff, the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Paladin Energy (one of its projects shown here) said “This initiative taken by the Queensland State Government is a hugely positive move for the Australian uranium industry as a whole. With a pro-uranium position, priorities can now be made on deposit quality and markets, and thankfully the politics of access will not be a key determinant of going forward”.

Marc Henderson, President and Chief Executive Officer, commented, “Westmoreland is one of the largest and highest quality uranium development projects in Australia – or in the world, for that matter – and will now clearly benefit from clarity over its uranium mining position and our development path and timing. We look forward to a constructive dialogue and working relationship with the Queensland government as this policy change is implemented and we commend this important decision.”

There has not been uranium mining in Queensland for approximately 30 years, while other states such as Northern Territory, South Australia and Western Australia have created successful uranium industries.

The Executive Chairman of Summit Resources, Brendan O’Hara, said “the Campbell Newman led Queensland government had shown tremendous leadership in taking this decision, the benefits of which will accrue to the people of Queensland in years to come”.