
New TempoTrack, an indicator of relative air recovery in flotation

Posted on 29 Oct 2012

diagram900.pngBlue Cube Systems, known for its real-time in-line measurement of mineral grade using an inherently safe technology, has launched its latest product, TempoTrack. Unfortunately, this missed the deadline for the flotation article in our November issue. TempoTrack has been designed to be used on flotation cells to measure the froth height from the lip of the flotation cell, the tempo at which the froth runs over the lip of the cell, and the froth stability based on the bubble bursting rate. This information enables the calculation of the relative air recovery per unit cell lip length. The news came in too late to include in International Mining’s November issue article on the latest flotation devlopments. Hfl is the height of the top of the froth (f) to the cell lip (l)

vf is the tempo at which the froth runs over the lip of the cell

Calculation for relative air recovery per unit of cell lip length:

Rair = Qair,out / Qair,in

Rair = vf Hfl / Qair,in

TempoTrack can be used in conjunction with an installed MQi Slurry System or independently to optimise a bank of flotation cells. When used together with the MQi Slurry System, it determines which of the contributing flotation cells are causing a drop in grade or an increase in impurities. Controlling a bank of flotation cells without the inspection of an operator is now possible.