
CVRD becomes Vale

Posted on 30 Nov 2007

Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD) has changed its name to Vale. Similarly, CVRD Inco will now be known as Vale Inco, aligned with the re-branding of its parent company. Vale says that with the acquisition of Inco last year, Vale took “the second spot among the global mining companies. With its new visual identity the company aims to consolidate its image as a Brazilian company with global action, highlighting its distinctive position in the international landscape.”  

“Our name change is the culmination of many months of work to realign our corporate identity, and to signify new beginnings, new opportunities and a positive outlook for the future,” said Vale Inco’s President and CEO, Murilo Ferreira. “As a mining company, ‘Vale’ reminds us of both our dependence on the earth’s riches and our important role as stewards of the natural environment. I am very proud that Inco remains in our name as an important sign of the pride we have in our heritage as a worldwide leader in nickel production.”