
Donaldson study predicts diesel fuel injection systems will require even higher efficiency filtration by 2010

Posted on 20 Feb 2009

Following on from IM’s report on ever more stringent diesel particulate emission standards in the February issue, Donaldson, a leading, worldwide manufacturer of filtration systems and parts, has recognised Phillip Johnson, Director, Liquid Filtration, New Business Development at Donaldson for his work on Fuel Filtration Reality Check, a study that predicts by 2010 that diesel injection systems will require much higher efficiency filtration below 5µm and need to be significantly cleaner than the technology allows today.

Johnson delivered the study at the 9th International Filtration Conference in November 2008 hosted by Southwest Research Institute® and was awarded the Peter Herman Award for Outstanding Technical Presentation. In the study, Johnson discusses how engine design and available fuel types have changed significantly in the past 20 years based on legislation, regulation and rapidly escalating oil prices. Yet, fuel specifications and fuel filtration have seen little change. He concludes that providing clean fuel throughout the distribution channel will become a prerequisite for diesel engine applications.

Johnson also outlines the filtration industry’s need for new standards and new ‘systems’ technologies to measure fine particulate and other contaminants. “Stakeholders, such as fuel companies, distributors, suppliers, engine manufacturers and filter companies can no longer work in siloed environments within the supply chain to meet filtration requirements for engine manufacturers,” said Johnson. “Filtration solutions will need to take a ‘systems’ approach where we work in collaboration to provide the highest level of customer satisfaction.”

To read “Fuel Filtration Reality Check” in its entirety, visit  or request a copy at (952) 887-3034.