
2009 Australian Mining Technology Conference

Posted on 30 Mar 2009

The theme for this year’s Australian Mining Technology Conference is Technology solutions for challenging financial times. The meeting will be held at the University of Queensland Business School Downtown, October 27-28. The organisers are inviting abstracts from industry and research on these topics of interest: materials handling, mine planning and scheduling, automated mining technologies, operational decision support, orebody definition and characterisation, mining methods and rock fragmentation. Mining industry and collaborative industry research papers will be highly regarded. The deadline for abstract submission is April 24 and for full paper submission, its July 24, 2009.The Technical Committee comprises Professor Peter Knights, CRCMining/University of Queensland, phone: +61 7 3346 5620 or Email: [email protected] and Professor Paul Lever, VP for Mining Research, CRCMining, phone: +61 7 3365 5639 or Email: [email protected].

The scope of the conference is how technology can play a role in overcoming the problems associated with the current financial climate? The 2009 Australian Mining Technology Conference will showcase technological solutions for mining effectively and safely in the current resources environment. These technologies cover the full spectrum of mining activities, from exploration, mine planning and scheduling through to mine operations management and control. The 2009 Conference will be an opportunity for industry and academia to meet and discuss solutions for achieving safe and profi table mining in the current production oriented market.

Submissions must include the following:

– Cover sheet detailing the paper’s title, as well as the names, positions and affi liations, postal and email addresses, phone and fax numbers of all authors.

– An abstract between 300 – 500 words.

– Up to three images may be included.

A template is available on the CRCMining website ( Submissions must be electronic.

Things to note

– Accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings and on CD.

– Authors will be required to register and attend the Conference to present their papers.

For further information, please contact: Andrew Long on +61 7 3365 5637 or Email: [email protected]