
SKM awarded key optimisation project for Antamina mine

Posted on 24 Jan 2013

Sinclair Knight Merz (SKM) has been awarded the prefeasibility study of Minera Antamina’s Production Optimisation Program (POP) in Peru. The study includes the materials handling (primary crushing) and transport of waste material and mineral, water management systems, and tunnels. It includes a first stage of trade-off studies and a second stage of prefeasibility development of the selected alternative. Antamina is a polymetallic mining complex that produces copper, zinc and molybdenum concentrates, and silver and lead concentrates as byproducts.

SKM’s Mining and Metals Manager – South America, Claudio Lesch: “We are very pleased with this appointment. It is worth mentioning that this contract was obtained in a competitive bidding process which included major international engineering companies present in South America. Our experience in the design of large materials handling systems such as Codelco’s New Mine Level Project and BHP Billiton’s expansion projects in the Pilbara of Western Australia, among others, were also crucial proof of our capabilities in the massive material movement.”

The prefeasibility study will be developed by SKM in Chile, with the support of the SKM office in Peru by means of virtual teams that have been successfully used by the company in recent years. The Lima office of SKM will undertake specific tasks associated with the co-ordination and communication with local suppliers, such as procurement and contracts, as well as permits and the environmental approvals. The awarded study will be developed over a period of a year.

“Our approach is to add value by means of analysis of improvements in several aspects of the operation, including technical, operations, as well as environment and communities.” Lesch said.

The mine is located in the district of San Marcos, Ancash Region, 200 km from the city of Huaraz at an average altitude of 4,300 m above sea level. The company has its own port, called Punta Lobitos, located in the coastal province of Huarmey. Today it is among the largest Peruvian producers of copper and zinc concentrates and one of the ten largest mines in the world in terms of operating volume.

Cia Minera Antamina is a company incorporated under Peruvian law – a joint venture between four leading companies in the world mining industry; BHP Billiton; Xstrata; Teck and Mitsubishi Corp.