Metso will supply OAO Severstal with a complete rotary drying system for its iron ore plant upgrade project at the Olkon mine in Olenegorsk, Russia. The high-capacity single-line system will replace multiple existing rotary dryers. Metso’s delivery also includes a modern automation system, which will enable tighter control of the process. The high-capacity drying system will improve mine performance. The new drying system will improve performance by incorporating the use of the most modern technologies in air filtration and burner management. This will result in lower fuel consumption, operational and maintenance costs, as well as minimising particulate emissions.
“We decided to choose Metso, since they offered the best balance of cost and technical solutions,” says Pavel Lezhnev, Purchasing Director at OAO Severstal. “New equipment will not only improve our performance, but also increase energy efficiency and environmental performance, which are also very important for us”, he adds.
“Olkon’s existing equipment for iron ore drying had reached its service lifetime. Olkon chose Metso to provide the best solution for their application, based on our ability to design and supply optimised drying technology with enhanced efficiency,” says Sales Engineer Michael Schiefer at Global Product Sales, Pyro, Mining and Construction, Metso.
“Our longstanding relationship with Olkon, our ability to meet modern operational requirements and the close cooperation in the process design of this project also contributed to Olkon’s decision to choose Metso as the supplier for the equipment. Furthermore, Metso was the only supplier with the ability to offer a very high-capacity single-line system,” says Yuri Pedan, Key Account Manager, Russia, Mining and Construction, Metso.
Metso’s drying system will dry high-grade iron ore concentrate at a rate of 625 metric tons per hour in one processing line. The delivery consists of a direct-fired rotary dryer, including process and equipment design, firing system, air pollution control equipment, instrumentation, plant control system, and project management.
OAO Severstal is one of the world’s leading vertically integrated steel and steel-related mining companies, with assets in Russia, the USA, the Ukraine, Latvia, Poland, Italy, Liberia and Brazil. Severstal’s crude steel production in 2011 reached 15.3 Mt.