Tenova Pyromet, a Tenova Mining & Minerals company, has launched a worldwide client support service to the global users of Tenova Pyromet key technologies, providing post-project and aftermarket assistance to enable furnace operators to maximise their operational efficiencies. The service is also available to users of other technologies. The comprehensive client support service ranges from on-site technical assistance, through to supply and installation of copper products and spare equipment, on-site assistance during shutdowns and rebuilds, close-out of capital projects and support to clients with cold and hot-commissioning. Operational training for clients on furnace equipment and technical training on equipment maintenance are also offered.
“Tenova Pyromet’s Client Support Service brings together the company’s existing aftermarket/post-project services, which fall into three broad areas: post switch-in technical support, copper products and spare equipment and technical assistance with close out issues. With each of these having the shared objective of maximising reliability and efficiency of clients’ smelting operations, integrating these into a singular client support service makes great sense,” says Werner Roberts, Manager: Tenova Pyromet Client Support. The new service offers the furnace industry Tenova Pyromet’s in-depth knowledge and experience in ferroalloys and base metals smelting processes, complemented by its extensive list of successful furnace projects worldwide, through people who have deep and broad smelting and maintenance backgrounds.
“Tenova Pyromet boasts a unique source of process, engineering and development capabilities, a key advantage of the client support service, with this expertise immediately on-hand to resolve client technical issues,” notes Roberts. “As leaders in the supply of AC and DC furnaces and complete smelting plants, we have developed an intimate understanding of our clients’ technology and technical support needs, through leveraging off the client knowledge and understanding that we have gained through our on-going client interactions. This enables us to provide a proactive service for ensuring that clients’ furnaces operate at optimum availability.” The service also provides Tenova Pyromet with an invaluable channel for clients to feed technical information relating to their experiences back to the company’s furnace process design and technology capabilities areas. This enables Tenova Pyromet to stay at the forefront of industry improvements and developments. “In this highly cost-sensitive industry, we see a strong need for continuous improvement in our process design and technology capabilities. Experience from the field and client collaboration are critical for our achievement of this,” says Roberts.
Tenova Pyromet says it is committed to rapid enquiry response handling and to providing full progress reporting throughout the duration of any service process, such as the delivery of spare equipment. “Tenova Pyromet’s spares service is not limited to the supply of proprietary spares. It also covers a full range of industry spares, providing clients with the ease of ordering their full suite of start-up and operational spares needs from a single source. In addition, Tenova Pyromet offers clients full contracting flexibility, based on clients’ general preference for turnkey solutions, ranging from manufacture and procurement of spare equipment, through to installation and commissioning,” notes Roberts. With his more than 20 years’ experience in the furnace industry, Tenova Pyromet’s Client Support Service is headed by Werner Roberts, supported by Ryan Butler, Manager: Copper Products and Spares and Charles O’Reilly, Post Switch-In Services Manager.