
inXitu’s new X-Ray diffraction analyser for limestone production

Posted on 24 Aug 2009

Recent advances in the field of X-Ray diffraction (XRD) now make it possible to easily perform quantitative analysis of the common minerals associated with limestone, where previously it has been considered too complex and costly for use by most producers. inXitu, a leader in portable XRD/XRF based instrumentation, has recently added an instrument to this field with the BTX benchtop XRD analyser. This enables true, quantitative mineral determination in a cost-effective, easy-to-use way; with the capability to analyse alpha-quartz and asbestos minerals as well as common minerals such as calcite and dolomite.

Regulation of crystalline silica – occupational exposure to respirable silica – remains a high priority on the agendas of global health and safety administrations in their drive to limit the disabling, dust-related lung disease, silicosis. Limestone production is one of the sectors at an elevated risk of exposure; with inXitu’s BTX instrument helping companies obtain quantitative determination of crystalline phases in respirable dust in a safe manner.