If you are a resource estimation professional, an exploration geologist or a mine geologist, you can now benefit from Isatis superior capabilities in data analysis and variography through a dongle-based license (that you can pass on to your colleagues) at a special price. The Isatis Vario Pack allows you to:
- Analyse thoroughly your grade and geological data
- Characterise the relationships between domains and grades
- Make a fine analysis of grade behaviour at the contact between two domains
- Build accurate and reliable simple or complex multivariate/multi-directional experimental variograms or variogram fans
- Identify the major directions of continuity
- Quickly develop well-adjusted multivariate/multi-directional variogram models from an exhaustive range of variogram structures with exclusive Isatis automatic variogram fitting functionality
- Validate your variogram model from cross-validation statistics
- Easily exchange data with premium mining software packages
- Build your own workflows with Isatis batch procedures.
Isatis Vario Pack is offered with a competitive software maintenance agreement.
The benefits include:
- Greater efficiency in resource modelling
- Increased confidence in the reliability of your models
- Facilitated access to a solution considered to be the Reference in geostatistical software solutions
- Easy move to Isatis advanced modeiling and simulation tools whenever you need them.