The objective in the design of Canadian Process Technologies’ (CPT) new SOCS “was to design an integrated self-contained column flotation system, which would be potentially operational on delivery,” Joe Querin, Manager – Business Development, explains. “The stand-alone unit is a complete flotation system, i.e. it includes; the flotation column, cavitation tube spargers, instruments and controls for wash water, sparger air and column slurry level, all plumbed, pre-wired and skid mounted. Operationally, all that is required is to connect the process lines and utilities and possibly relatively minor adjustment for column orientation.”
Four standard units are offered with column diameters of 0.6, 0.9, 1.2 and 1.5 m. Each unit is 6 m in height with an inclusive feed flow rate range of 5 to 100 m³/h. In standard build, the SOCS units provide for manual control of both wash water and sparger air flows.
Column slurry level is automatically maintained through the use of a level transmitter, flow control valve and PID controller. The control panel is designed to easily incorporate automatic controls for wash water and sparger air should the end user require these process parameters to be automated. “That is, Querin continues, “we have made provisions to mount two additional PID controllers and the requisite terminal strips to accommodate additional wiring.
“There are some distinct advantages of the SOCS system over conventional industrial flotation columns. Firstly and importantly is that they are pre-designed and pre-engineered, allowing for relatively quick fabrication and assembly to a standard operational configuration. The cost to design and fabricate conventional industrial flotation columns of similar feed rate capacities typically is much greater. Additionally the end user has the added cost of buying and installing a slurry recirculation pump.
“Second is the convenience to the end user, with only a minimal requirement to arrange and co-ordinate the activities, separately, to connect the process lines and utilities. Once the skid is anchored and the process lines and utilities are connected, the SOCS unit is fully operational.” He says they offer “lower capital cost, lower installed cost, resulting in a lower total cost of ownership.”