
Milestone shows confidence in Queensland resources sector

Posted on 26 Jun 2014

Queensland’s peak resources sector body – Queensland Resources Council (QRC) says a new underground operation at the Ernest Henry copper mine in the state’s North West demonstrates a high level of confidence in the sector by mine owners Glencore. The picture shows the pre-assembled 38 m tall sky shaft (left) that was lifted and moved a distance of 60 m into its final position within the 75 m tall headframe (right) on 25 February 2014. The A$589 million dollar underground project, which transitions the mine from an open-pit operation, was officially opened on June 25 by the Minister for Natural Resources and Mines Andrew Cripps.

‘This new kilometre-deep hoisting shaft is a significant milestone for the mine and will extend its life to 2026,’ said QRC Chief Executive Michael Roche.

‘I congratulate Glencore and particularly the company’s local team lead by Chief Operating Officer Mike Westerman on this visionary project that will double copper production to 6 Mt/y next year and eventually double annual metal production to 50,000 t of copper and 70,000 oz of gold in concentrate.

‘It’s great news for the 500 employees and contractors and will ensure that Cloncurry remains a vibrant community.

I also congratulate the Newman government for ensuring the region benefits from the prosperity it generates for Queensland by providing the Cloncurry Shire Council with more than $5 million for the construction of a heavy vehicle bypass and upgrades to the local airport from the Royalties for Regions program.