
Esri giving keynote at RIEGL 2015 International User Conference

Posted on 10 Dec 2014

RIEGL LiDAR 2015 has announced it is the hold its next International User Conference from May 5-7 in Hong Kong, and from May 7-8 in Guangzhou (Canton), China. The company says it will also unveil new products and major software updates during RIEGL LiDAR 2015 to its international community. RIEGL has also announced the first keynote speaker as Lawrie Jordan, Director of Imagery from Esri, who has over thirty years of experience in the field of image processing and remote sensing.

RIEGL says it is putting together “a diverse and exciting agenda for RIEGL LiDAR 2015, proving the broad usage of RIEGL LiDAR equipment in applications such as airborne scanning, bathymetry, UAV scanning, terrestrial scanning, mining, forensics, mobile scanning, railway scanning, and more.” Esri will be the exclusive Platinum Sponsor of the event, with other confirmed sponsors including Applanix, Flying-Cam, 3D Laser Mapping, Airborne Hydro Mapping, Certainty 3D, Cyark500, Aeroscout, and technet-rail. The company is inviting users in the mining industry to submit abstracts, with more information and online registration available at