
Rusal offers technical help to the Hungarian tailings spill disaster and future such occurences around the world

Posted on 14 Oct 2010

RUSAL, the world’s largest aluminium producer, has offered its expert support to help tackle the crisis at the Magyar Aluminium (MAL) facility near the Hungarian town of Ajka. RUSAL supports the recent statement by the Secretary General of the International Aluminium Institute (IAI), Ron Knapp, when he said that ‘the industry is ready if necessary, to seek the availability of technical experts to complement the staff and experts available from MAL and local agencies’. RUSAL is ready to contribute to the industry task force organised by IAI.RUSAL has several R&D institutes that specialise in designing red mud storage. It has offered to contribute to the accident inquiry and remediation efforts by providing the company’s specialists in different fields, including engineers engaged in designing red mud ponds and other hydro technical storages, as well as experts in maintenance of red mud ponds and storage.

“We believe that every aluminium producer in the world should help alleviate the disaster in Hungary. I think it is time for the whole industry to come together and develop new safeguards which, when used throughout the industry, will be able to prevent similar tragedies in the future. We hope that our expertise will help our Hungarian colleagues to reverse, as quickly as possible, the damaging effects of the accident”, stated Oleg Deripaska, CEO of UC RUSAL.