
ICMM guide to catchment-based water management defines responsible water stewardship

Posted on 2 Mar 2015

ICMM has published a comprehensive new approach to managing water around mining and metals operations, in guidance that details the priorities of all water users throughout the water catchment, as well as the water usage of the operation itself. The new Practical guide to catchment-based water management sets out a collaborative approach to water management that considers the needs, concerns and priorities of other water users and promotes inclusive and ongoing engagement with all stakeholders.

The document is structured as an interactive and informative prompt to guide companies in the development of their water strategies and plans in accordance with the local context and hydrology in which mining and metals operations take place.

Developed through rigorous and extensive consultation across the mining and metals industry, with other industries and with world-recognized water management experts, the guidance provides an effective tool for planning and managing responsible mining operations. It can serve as an important reference for stakeholders in civil society, the financial industry, policymakers and others to facilitate and encourage collaborative action on the management of water resources across all water users.

The guide was launched in February at the Mining Indaba in Cape Town, South Africa at a high-level roundtable co-hosted with the International Finance Corporation. The session included South Africa’s Minister of Water and Sanitation, Hon. Nomvula Mokonyane and representatives from Water Aid, BHP Billiton and Anglo American.