
Improve the efficiency of EW cells

Posted on 26 May 2015

From Chile, SELE (Selective ELectrodeposition Enhancer) is a custom-designed device from New Tech Copper (NTC) for installation in electrowinning cells. Cathodes and anodes are confined within SELEs and this significantly enhances the copper extraction process by eliminating short-circuits and the use of spacers.

NTC says the technology improves the physical quality of cathodes by 30 to 60% and the chemical quality by 10 to 40%. Additionally, there is a 5-7% increase in current efficiency. There is a reported 100% saving on service contracts – no need for:

  • Shorts supervision
  • Installation and supervision of plastic strips and anode spacers
  • Manual cathode stripping and quality packaging
  • Cathode repair and correction.

NTC also reports increased lives for cathodes (40%), anodes (50%) and stripping machines (20%).