ARANZ Geo, a 3D modelling pioneer and world leader in the interpretation and visualisation of geological data, has launched, an insider’s guide to 3D implicit modelling. The website shares world leading knowledge and insights from industry experts who use implicit modelling on a daily basis. Users can also share opinions and discuss issues and ideas via the comment section.
Shaun Maloney, CEO of ARANZ Geo says, “When we introduced Leapfrog eleven years ago it was revolutionary and represented a real paradigm shift. Implicit modelling has now become mainstream and is relied on by all the major mining and exploration firms.
“We wanted to create an education resource to explain implicit modelling, its impact and where it’s heading. It’s also a place for people to get online to share opinions and discuss ideas and issues.”
The website will showcase an abbreviated version of the eBook Unearthing 3D implicit modelling, an ARANZ Geo sponsored publication released in October last year to celebrate a decade of implicit modelling. In the eBook industry experts who use implicit modelling on a daily basis give their insight and views on the impact this form of modelling has made and also provide opinion on where they see the industry heading. The eBook, which is available for download via the new website, has already been downloaded over 1,000 times.
The website features each article from the book in abbreviated form with an opportunity for readers to leave their comments and share on various social media platforms. This live online version of the book opens up the topic to the wider market. ARANZ Geo will be monitoring comments and actively taking part in discussion.
ARANZ Geo Research Director and contributor Dr Richard Lane says, “All writers were invited to remark on where they see implicit modelling heading. A common thread was that it would completely replace manual digitisation and it would become standard practice to generate multiple models. It will be interesting to see if the wider market agrees.”