Safety equipment news is the focus of an article in the October issue of International Mining magazine. Dig a Little Deeper with CORESafety®, a new content series launched last month, expands on critical elements of a successful health and safety management program. An infographic, (What Does Swiss Cheese Have To Do with Mining Accidents?), explains how mining accidents can occur unexpectedly when certain events, conditions or hazards “line up” in an unsafe environment.
Also included in the series was an interview with Dr Jeffrey Kohler, a professor of mining engineering at Pennsylvania State University. In his interview, Kohler calls CORESafety “the biggest game changer in [his] career” and says he expects it to result in unprecedented levels of safety improvement throughout US mining.
“Regulatory, engineering, and training interventions have contributed to impressive gains in safety, but not to the level sought by the majority of mining companies – the goal of zero harm. Accordingly, there is a need to go above and beyond the traditional approaches, the role of leadership and the resulting safety culture, and to bring all of these together. And that is the brilliance of CORESafety,” Kohler said.
CORESafety looks forward to promoting more resources via Dig a Little Deeper with COREsafety.