Axis Mining Technology has introduced the Champ range of downhole survey tools and measurement systems. The company says its “technology is highly developed and driller ready.” The Champ Gyro™ “is an innovative north seeking solid state gyro system that allows users to take high accuracy singleshot, multishot or orientation measurements at the push of a button. It’s tough, reliable, requires no starting azimuth and is ready to survey within minutes.
“The Champ OSA™ (Overshot Assembly) is unique running gear which allows you to run a Champ Gyro survey as you retrieve a core sample. This innovative approach eliminates the need for a separate survey run.
“The Axis Champ Magshot™ is the latest in Electronic Multishot technology. Designed to meet the harsh conditions of the mining industry [it] combines impressive accuracy, performance and reliability with innovative though practical features to simplify the user experience.”