One of the major advantages of the FLSmidth Modular REFLUX™ Classifier Plant, which is suitable for fines gravity separation applications, is that it can be configured for specific requirements and is quick to install and commission on site within a relatively short period of time. This integrated engineered modular solution has at its heart the well proven REFLUX™ Classifier (RC™) from FLSmidth. Already well proven in the mineral beneficiation of fines in Asia, Australia, Africa and North America, use of this technology effectively improves the performance of gravity separation circuits over existing technologies such as spirals and hydrosizers.
Ricus van Reenen, Senior Account Manager at FLSmidth, says the modular RC plant enables customers to take advantage of the benefits of RC technology as well as to leverage the flexibility that modularity gives to an operation. Each section of the modular plant is contained within the dimensions of a 20 ft shipping container and the combination of these sections or containers allows the plant to be configured according to process requirements. The configuration is easily adjustable to accommodate the changing process or ore conditions within given parameters, and this offers even greater flexibility. The plant can also be easily relocated to where needed; i.e. from one site to another.
Rapid on-site installation is possible as the frames of each modular section are easily assembled and locked together. All that is required is an 80 t mobile crane and a rigging team. Assembly is done under supervision of FLSmidth technical personnel who will hot commission the plant. The equipment technologies selected for the modular plant are all FLSmidth and interface optimally with the RC. This ensures the feed material is correctly prepared prior to it reporting to the RC so that it operates correctly and to specification. In addition to the operational advantages that come with using technologies from one source, customers can leverage this single point of contact from an on-site support perspective as well. Typically the modular fines separation plant would include pumps, screens, dewatering equipment, cyclones and conveyors. The entire modular RC plant is automated using advanced instrumentation and control. All process parameters are monitored to ensure optimum performance. This allows for more consistent operation and therefore better recoveries. The modular RC plant can also be integrated into a brownfields plant where the RC is retrofitted to replace less efficient technology.